"You guys wanna embarrass me don't you?" MALLORCA, 2014 LMAO! I definitely have to leave you with the kinda craziest time of my life where I wanted to finally prove to myself that if I just sing in front of people then I will be able to do anything! I found out about a local competition happening and so I went for the audition but unfortunately for me it didn't go as planned. I flopped throughout the whole thing and ended up getting upset with myself thinking 'how can I travel all the way from where I live to embarrass myself like this?" I even thought the judges laughed at me while auditioning (couldn't blame them really). As days went on I had it in mind I would definitely not be called back for the show; but they did. When the day finally came to do some rehearsals and minor vocal lessons, thoughts were telling me they just want to embarrass me and just have a funny act to put on the show in order for it to be lively LOL! So I decided t...