Travel Essence - WORLD TRAVEL MARKET 2016

The essence of travel is like being in another world. What feels like lifetime is only like 2 weeks. You meet amazing people and keep in touch, you finally meet family members that you've never met and you cherish every moment! Don't you just love that feeling?? It doesn't even have to be in another part of the world; it could be that hour trip away for a peaceful weekend that makes you appreciate nature and your well-being! Travel comes in so many ways - leisure, passion, career, inspirations and so much more. I love it! Here is a chance to be part of that through the World Travel Market! I'm so excited to post a lot more on life as tourism student as I studied it from college up until university. There were a few languages too and I would definitely want you to ask questions or leave your comments, tips and recommendations etc. on unique places you've traveled to. So if you just want to travel for the rest of their life and you see yourself travelling as...