STAYING DOWN IN 2017 - 5MonthsIN!

***I wrote this post around January 2017 when I was facing my biggest challenges*** I've noticed one thing is that I expect too much perfection and for everything to be done in one go! This is when things go wrong because it ends up being a confusing situation and then you end up taking it out on other people..This has basically been the start of 2017 for me. I know most people seem to make their new year start on a high! But I don't think I was mentally prepared for 2017 and I allowed that overwhelming feeling to get to me by thinking "I'm staying down in 2017". I seriously couldn't believe I felt like this.. Its a new year! What is there that I can't do that I didn't do in 2016 - so much was achieved, I kept myself productive and had so much fun! I spoke to friends that I trust, that I knew I could let them know how I was feeling because they had been there before. Even though I felt bad expressing all of it by just always speaking out -...