#TT (Throwback) Don't Be Afraid to Dream A Little Bigger Darlings!

#ThrowbackThursday - VisionBoardPartyLondon Welcome back to another #TT (ThrowbackThursday segment) which could also pass for MotivationMondays :). Wow, what an eventful week it has been! How's your week been people!? Amazing? Inspiring? Crazy? Boring? Well, I want you all to look forward to the exciting things taking place near you! I can assure you that after this #TT it puts you even more into a positive perspective on life regardless of all the craziness happening as it has for me! :) I had a last minute opportunity to make my dreams turn into reality at AzizaWho ?'s VisionBoardPartyLondon which took place at the classy venue - Radiant Hair Salon located in Bermondsey. As this was so last minute and though I had heard about the event before, I knew that I would be expecting to be creating a vision board. But I didn't expect it to have such deeper meaning as you'll read further on in the post. VisionBoardPartyLondon For a long time I've always...