#TT (Throwback) Don't Be Afraid to Dream A Little Bigger Darlings!

#ThrowbackThursday - VisionBoardPartyLondon

Welcome back to another #TT (ThrowbackThursday segment) which could also pass for MotivationMondays :). Wow, what an eventful week it has been! How's your week been people!? Amazing? Inspiring? Crazy? Boring? Well, I want you all to look forward to the exciting things taking place near you! I can assure you that after this #TT it puts you even more into a positive perspective on life regardless of all the craziness happening as it has for me! :)  I had a last minute opportunity to make my dreams turn into reality at AzizaWho?'s VisionBoardPartyLondon which took place at the classy venue - Radiant Hair Salon located in Bermondsey. 

As this was so last minute and though I had heard about the event before, I knew that I would be expecting to be creating a vision board. But I didn't expect it to have such deeper meaning as you'll read further on in the post. 


For a long time I've always wanted to create my very own vision board. You could say it's easy to create one just cutting out what you love from magazines but it seemed like there was more to a vision board than you and I may have thought from what Aziza expressed that night! 
More Than A Woman was such a unique experience being surrounded by like-minded women who just want to start with bettering themselves and who are ready to support other women with their positive spirit! Love and Laughter! We had the chance to socialise and talk about who we are, what we do and where we see ourselves  in the future by speaking about the life we want as if we are already living it. An example , "I'm a business woman with at 7 incomes, living in Kensington with my two daughters, currently celebrating my 2 year anniversary with my best friend, my lover, my husband in Bora Bora and about to leave for The Necker Islands (Richard Bransons Island" I'm sure you would be thinking what the hell is this girl on about but boyyy when you start speaking things into existence the energy, the universe is working things out. I'm not saying things are going to happen tomorrow but continue in your crafts/passions and SHIFT YOUR TODAY INTO A NEW SPACE! 

 I was fascinated by the charger facilities ; RadiantHairSalon
Our Worries

You know sometimes we tend to worry a lot on our goals we aim to accomplish whether its getting a new car, new house, someone to love, your dream family, business branding etc. And all these worries have such an impact on our thoughts that we start searching online for anything that inspires and motivates us to just keep dreaming.... However, when it comes down to turning dreams into reality; the limitations pressure us so much we end up taking a step back; I'm sure we've all been in these situations below, right?...

1. Negative thoughts - not believing that you will actually get what you want which demotivates you and comparing to the next person
2. Focusing on too many things at once and cluttering your mind which then confuses you.
3. Procastinating on what you want because you don't make time to build.

Don't worry. Worrying never solves anything. #MakeItHappen - Easier said than done, but if you don't start; when?

What do I do then?

So what can you do to make sure that this time your vision manifests itself as heard at #VisionboardpartyLondon!? Here are a few tips from Aziza and the ladies either for your vision board or self-reflection.
1. Split your vision board into sections - SPIRITUAL/SELF.. FAMILY..LOVELIFE..CAREER etc. use pictures/words to express 3 ways you want to feel in your life on your visionboard. 
2. Meditate in the morning by looking at your vision board and speaking on the life you visualise as if you already have it, have a conversation with yourself and do this before bed.
3. Call your friends or have a meet up and talk about the life you want as if you already have it e.g. "I am a beautiful business woman with an amazing husband and two daughters. My husband and I are about to make our 2 year anniversary trip to Santorini, Greece; so excited!

SmallTip; Write things down to clear your mind.
Let me know in the comment section on what you have done to turn your dreams into reality, other than using a vision board.. what motivation techniques did you use?

As Aziza said "Shift your today into a new space" 

Thank you for taking the time to read my posts, I'll be sharing more upcoming events for you all and stay posted on more of Aziza's events by signing up for PriorityClick

Follow me on Twitter - @LondonLovess
Follow Aziza on Twitter - @azizafrancis 
                            Instagram - azizawho
Follow RadiantHairSalon on Instgram - Radiantlondonsalon

Please share and comment 
Lots of LondonLove x


  1. Really love this post Yetti. Really inspiring! Will definitely check out Aziza's events.

    Keep it up dear! x

    1. I know its a year later but thank you so much Rimi =] x


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